Offered For Sale

Gentlemans Call Girl $1200.00

Awesome Possum $2500.00
Jessica Babydoll $1750.00
Pampered Princess
Sugar $1000.00
Intrigueing Cat - price negotiable
Mousetrap $750.00
Gentlemans Call Girl $1200.00



APHA #675865
aka "Gracie"

Gracie was foaled May 1,1998. She is a lighter shade of gray than she appears in her photo.  She is one big baby and as sweet as they come. She is ridden in the arena and is the maternal grandmother of Mousetrap. This is an inexpensive mare with gorgeous color and great mothering ability. Her daughter is a natural at collecting her body into a nice frame under saddle. We didn't have to teach her that. We do not have room to keep Gracie, one of those hard choices I mentioned on my home page.